Our Services
We currently offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) consultation and treatments for Major Depressive Disorder. Patients are required to have a primary mental health provider for ongoing mental health care and medication management.
TMS Therapy
TMS stands for “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.” When the magnetic pulses are given in succession, it is referred to as “repetitive TMS” or “rTMS.” TMS is a medical procedure that works by delivering highly focused magnetic pulses to noninvasively (without surgery) stimulate the brain. The TMS treatment session is conducted using a small handheld device called a “treatment coil” that delivers energy to the brain using pulsed “magnetic fields.” These magnetic fields are similar to those used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines.
The TMS pulses activate the area of the brain that we are directly stimulating as well as other areas utilizing the brain’s own circuits. Although the exact mechanism that TMS treats disorders has not been definitively determined, we believe that the brain is essentially "working out" those weakened connections that can cause symptoms of depression. Over time, those connections can become stronger again just like exercising a muscle.

Is TMS Right for you?
TMS is clinically indicated for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). TMS does NOT require anesthesia and does NOT have cognitive side effects.
Patients stay awake and alert, resuming work or their daily activities right after each treatment.
Basic Requirements for TMS
- Patients must be 18 years of age or older.
- Patients need to have a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder.
- Patients must have a mental health care clinician prior to being seen for a TMS consultation. Patients will continue to follow-up with their clinician during and after the TMS treatments.
- Patients must NOT have metal located near to the head that is impacted by magnetic fields (e.g., pacemaker, DBS wire, cochlear implant, brain stent, metal fragment, etc.).
- Patients must NOT have a history of a seizure, brain tumor, stroke, or severe traumatic brain injury.
- All patients will undergo a consult with an experienced TMS physician to ensure that TMS is safe and indicated for them.