Now Accepting New Patients!
We are currently accepting individuals ages 18+ who have been diagnosed with a Major Depressive Disorder.
Ready to get started with FSU Neuromodulation™?
Appointments can be made directly with the office by calling
For referring physician offices: Physician Referral Form
Please fax the completed form back to 833-324-1669
Or, complete a referral online
Online Referral
Billing Options
We are currently participating with the following insurances: Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, CHP, Cigna, Medicare, Optum/United Health Care, Optum VA Community Care Plan, and WellCare.
Pricing and approval will be dependent on your insurance provider. If your insurance is not listed or you do not have insurance, we also have self-pay options.
To make a payment on an existing patient account, please click below:

Basic Requirements for TMS
All patients will undergo a consult with an experienced TMS physician to ensure that TMS is safe and indicated for them. In addition, all patients must:
- be 18 years of age or older.
- have a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder.
- have a mental health care clinician prior to being seen for a TMS consultation. Patients will continue to follow-up with their clinician during and after the TMS treatments.
- NOT have metal located near to the head that is impacted by magnetic fields (e.g., pacemaker, DBS wire, cochlear implant, brain stent, metal fragment, etc.).
- NOT have a history of a seizure, brain tumor, stroke, or severe traumatic brain injury.
The TMS Treatment Process
Step 1: Initial Consultation
Your treating clinician will refer you to our office and an initial consultation will be scheduled. Once your consult is scheduled, you will receive a Patient Intake Packet via email.
The Patient Intake Packet must be completed prior to the evaluation. Any questions regarding the packet can be directed to 850-644-5600. Once the packet is completed and returned, your appointment will be confirmed.
At the Initial Consultation, you will fill out additional paperwork and be seen by a psychiatrist to evaluate whether TMS is appropriate for you. The risks and benefits as well as any questions that you have will be addressed. Those who are appropriate for the treatment and wish to undergo a course of TMS will be scheduled for treatment once either your insurance has approved the service, or you have signed the FSU Neuromodulation™ payment plan agreement.
Step 2: First Treatment
The first step is to determine the dose of TMS that is appropriate for you. This is performed by a physician or certified clinician and is referred to as the “Motor Threshold.” This requires placing the treatment coil gently on the scalp over the part of the brain that moves the finger muscles (motor cortex). Once the location of the motor cortex is determined, various doses of stimulation will be tested to determine what is appropriate for you. The Motor Threshold is generally obtained prior to just the first treatment unless there is a significant clinical change which requires rechecking this dose. This takes approximately 30 minutes.
Once the dose is determined, the coil will be positioned on the scalp over the front portion of your head for the treatment based on head measurements that are marked on a cap. The coil will produce clicking sounds when it is delivering magnetic pulses. The treatment will last for approximately 10 to 20 minutes depending on the type of treatment prescribed. You are free to go with no restrictions once the treatment is completed. The first visit duration is approximately 60 minutes long.
Step 3: Subsequent Treatments
Prior to each treatment, you will be asked whether there have been any medical or psychiatric changes (including medications) since your last visit. You will be given earplugs to protect your hearing. The treatment coil will be positioned on the scalp over the front portion of your head. The treatment will last for approximately 10-20 minutes. You are free to go with no restrictions once the treatment is completed. Treatment visits generally last approximately 20-40 minutes.
After five TMS treatments, you will be given a short series of questionnaires to fill out to monitor your progress that will take approximately 15 minutes. Your physician will review your responses.
Generally, the initial course (acute phase) of treatment will involve 30 treatments over six weeks. This will consist of 6 tapering treatments over 3 weeks at 20-30 minutes each.
Treatment can be stopped at any time, but we strongly suggest that you discuss this with your physician.
Step 4: Completion
Once treatment is completed, a summary of your treatments received, and clinical progress can be sent to your physician if requested.
Optional: Preservation Treatments
Preservation treatments (at additional cost) may be required in the future depending upon your individual needs. You or your treating provider can contact us if preservation treatment is required.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will TMS be Helpful for Me?
Although we cannot guarantee symptom improvement, TMS is cleared by the FDA for treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Numerous studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of TMS for depression - even for patients with Treatment Resistant Depression.
How Does TMS Work?
For more information on how TMS works, please visit our Services page.
Can I Stay on My Medications During Treatment?
Most medications are safe to take while undergoing TMS treatment, however, there are some medications that need to be stopped prior to starting TMS. Be sure to have a list of your current medications for your consult. We ask that you avoid any medication changes during the TMS treatment course.
Am I Required to Make Any Lifestyle Changes During Treatment?
TMS has no cognitive side effects and does not require anesthesia or any restriction of activities, so you are encouraged to continue your regular schedule. We do ask that you refrain form heavy alcohol use (>2 drinks per day) and not use any recreational drugs during the treatment period.
Are There Any Side Effects or Risks to Treatment?
There are no cognitive side effects from TMS treatment or any restrictions on activities. The most common physical side effects are headache, scalp discomfort during treatment, and fatigue. There is an extremely rare risk of seizure (less than 1 in 1,000 patients) that we mitigate through screening and evaluations prior to beginning treatment.
How Does TMS Feel?
Our participants and patients most commonly say that the pulses feel like a tapping or mild electrical sensation depending on the treatment type.